A year ago, we only had a lot of traffic across a lot of forums saying that it is about time professional colorists were represented in an industry full of focus groups, guilds and associations. Hard to believe just how successful the first year has been, and how much momentum Colorist Society International has gained.
CSI started with a good name that many colorists liked, but that a few found controversial. Behind the name were some well-supported goals. Our first-year target was 100 members, 3 sponsors and industry recognition for colorists. As our 1st anniversary newsletter goes to press we have over 200 members and close to 100 applications. We are very proud to have 3 sponsors that are giants in our business – Blackmagic Design, Dolby and FSI. But most of all we can celebrate recognition. Many CSI Full Members have had theatrical or television screen credits with the C.S.I. acronym after their names, and CSI is now a recognized affiliation on IMDB (see story, right). The CSI Roster also includes some industry giants, colorists who have graded and finished the blockbusters of our time. CSI membership comes with enough discounts to recover the annual fee, and we have private forums so that we can present a united front. There are two committees currently running, one to establish some standard contracts and working practices, the other contributing to ACES development. It is a primary function of CSI to further our craft. CSI momentum is still growing, and we are looking to many exciting announcements in the coming months. But for now, let’s celebrate - the first organization to represent professional colorists has taken off and is in full flight. Join us! The future is bright and colorful. | 
IMDbPro, the leading information resource for the entertainment industry, has expanded its Guild Affiliations page to include the professional digital colorists who are members of Colorist Society International (CSI).
All CSI Full Members who work on productions listed at IMDb may now choose their CSI designation at the Guild Affiliations page of IMDbPro. This is reserved for CSI Full Members only. Said CSI co-founder Jim Wicks, “CSI represents a unified voice for the professional colorist in the film and digital entertainment industry. The partnership with IMDb further solidifies and promotes our craft within the industry.” 
Don't forget to update your IMDbPro registration by selecting CSI as your Guild Affiliation. (Click image above to enlarge.)
CSI Website Re-Design Colorist Society International is launching its new website during NAB2017. In January CSI announced the site is now SSL compliant, ensuring that all your data remains safe. Now, the Colorist Society is improving the look and feel of the website to better reflect the relevancy of the colorist within the motion picture and television industry. CSI remains committed to giving you, our members, a more effective online experience. 