CSI September 2016 Member Newsletter |  | Member Newsletter | September 2016
| | The IBC2016 Colorist Mixer
| The 2016 Colorist Mixer in Amsterdam was the hottest ticket to have. Seriously. Officially, IBC was the warmest ever! More than 200 colorists, and members of the motion picture and television industry filled the historic Felix Meritis, which means ‘Happy through Merit,’ in Dutch. With a name like that, it was the perfect setting to meet friends old and new.  The Mixer was the first sponsored event by Colorist Society International. CSI was proud to be among a stellar group of co-sponsors,including FSI and Blackmagic Design, and many, many more. CSI co-founder Jim Wicks spoke at the Mixer, and thanked everyone for their support. 
A huge thank you and shout out goes to colorists Warren Eagles and Guy Molin who organized the event, which included free beer and great food. Well done, gents! %20Guy%20Molin%20(right).jpg)
CSI's Jim Wicks speaking at the Mixer. Warren Eagles (left) Guy Molin (right).
If you haven’t made your plans to attend next year’s Colorist Mixer at IBC in Amsterdam, start making your travel plans now. The next Colorist Mixer is scheduled in Las Vegas at NAB2017. Date and time TBA.

| CSI's Newest & Youngest Member
| | Meet the Colorist
| CSI co-founder Kevin Shaw was scheduled to join the Mixer,but had a more important engagement to attend. Kevin and his lovely wife, Diane, welcomed their first child.

Aaron Benjamin Shaw (above) was born on the morning of the Colorist Mixer, no less. Aaron arrived at 11:09am (UK time) weighing 3.99kg (8.7 pounds).
Congratulations to Diane and Kevin – and welcome Aaron! | Josh Petok, CSI (right), hosts and produces an excellent series called ‘Colorist Podcast.’
Josh’s latest guest is fellow CSI member, Mark Todd Osborne (below) (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, Bad Boys II, Hugo, Need for Speed). With more than 18 years of world-class experience under his belt, Mark talks about getting his start at Company 3, working alongside top colorists Stefan Sonnenfeld, Dave Hussey, and Mike Pethel.
Mark provides insight about working in many different genres. And he talks at length about why he joined Colorist Society International. “This is something that I’ve been talking about for years, as well as a lot of us have. I just think we need to get recognized for our art.” Subscribe to the podcast here. | Friends of CSI
| | CSI On-Screen Credit: C.S.I. or CSI? | IBC’s record turnout included 55,796 attendees representing more than 160 countries. The six-day conference and exhibition brought people together to share knowledge and to do business. CSI co-founder Jim Wicks met with the Friends of CSI at their booths on the convention floor.
Bram Desmet, CEO/GM of Flanders Scientific (right with Jim) was the first corporate supporter to embrace the mission and vision of CSI. “Flanders Scientific is all about supporting good causes and I can’t think of a more overlooked cause to date in this industry than a professional colorist society. To that end we are committed to helping support CSI.” 

Bram and Johann Desmet (above, with Jim) showed off FSI’s new DM240 reference LCD monitor (above, right). Said Bram, “the DM240 was specifically built for DITs, editors,and colorists that want the top of the line capabilities of our DM series monitors, but don't necessarily have the need or budget for the OLED level performance of the DM250.” Learn more about the DM240 here. 
Jim met also with Peter Chamberlain, DaVinci Resolve Product Manager at Blackmagic Design (left with Jim). BMD is a proud corporate sponsor of Colorist Society International.

Blackmagic used IBC to announce DaVinci Resolve 12.5.2 (left). The new update features support for additional URSA Mini camera metadata, color space tags on QuickTime export, Fusion Connect for Linux, advanced filtering options and more. Download the new 12.5.2 update here.
| The style guide established by Colorist Society International for the preferred usage of the suffix affiliation for on-screen credits for full members is as follows. “Name, C.S.I.” or “Name CSI.” We are asking that CSI full members be given a solo title screen credit, typically following the editor’s credit. There is no way to insist on this, but it is worth asking for. So start asking!
Our Sponsors As always, we appreciate our sponsors (and hope to add more to the list). Let them know that you appreciate them as well. Whether it's buying their products, telling the world through social media that you love their stuff (you do love their stuff, right?), or just letting them know that you appreciate them when you see them at the next trade show. As we've said on the left, these are truly 'Friends of CSI' and we couldn't do all that we do without them.
Flanders Scientific, Inc. specializes in reference grade displays, advanced color management devices, and a wide variety of supporting equipment. FSI equipment is a favorite among DITs and Colorists alike and used in production, post production, and broadcast environments across the globe. A deep focus on color accuracy and an unparalleled set of integrated capabilities are the hallmarks of the Flanders Scientific display lineup. Visit FSI here.  Blackmagic Design creates high-quality video editing products, color correctors and more for the feature film, post production and television broadcast industries. DaVinci Resolve is a power and advanced on set, editing, color correction and finishing tool for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. DaVinci Resolve is completely scalable and resolution independent so it can be used on set, in a small studio or integrated into the largest Hollywood production pipeline. From creative editing and multi-camera television production to high-end finishing and color correction, DaVinci Resolve features the creative tools, compatibility, speed and image quality needed to manage entire workflows. Visit Blackmagic Design's DaVinci Resolve here. | Giving Credit More and more CSI members are getting the credit they deserve. If you have an on-screen credit displaying “your name, C.S.I” or “your name CSI” be sure to send us a photo — aswell as brief project info — and we’ll share it with the membership in future newsletters.
Mark Todd Osborne, C.S.I.

Phil Strahl, C.S.I.

Shawn Pinner, C.S.I. 
Nikolai Waldman, C.S.I.

Rebecca Goodeve, C.S.I. 
Donald Freeman, C.S.I.
Carl Skaff, C.S.I.

If you have news, photos, projects your working on, etc. that you would like to share with your CSI fellow members in future newsletters – send us an email at admin@coloristsociety.com with all the details. Happy Grading! Best, Jim and Kevin | | s | Follow us on Twitter | Find us on Facebook | | Copyright © 2016 {Organization_Name}. All rights reserved. Contact email: {Organization_Contact_Email} | | | |