Our names are buried deep in the long list of film credits, and our names and contributions to Oscar nominated motion pictures are rarely if ever talked about in acceptance speeches. But you can be sure of one thing: Colorist Society International is working to change all that.
CSI was formed with the deeply held belief to help give a voice to the colorist, just as there is recognition for our colleagues in the fields of editing, sound mixing, sound editing, and cinematography.
For now, though, we must be content to read in silence the names of the colorists who helped co-author the beautiful images for the motion pictures nominated for Best Picture, and Best Cinematography.
You can read the list here in silence. For now. But not in silence for long.
Getting Credit

Rebecca Goodeve, CSI
Rebecca emailed us to say, "I'm currently grading a feature, Making Noise Quietly,which I think will be the first feature (that isn't a documentary) that I've actually caught them before they've already done the credits to make sure they've got the CSI in there." Congratulations Rebecca!

IMDbPro Discount for All CSI Members

As part of the IMDbPro Affiliate Program, all members of Colorist Society International (CSI) receive 25% off their IMDbPro membership.
To take advantage of this offer, go to IMDbPro.com/redeem. Enter your email address and the promotional code.
To get the Mixing Light discount code, log into the CSI website, and look for the discount page under the Full Members and Alliance & Associates Menu dropdowns. If you have not completed your registration – now is the time to do so. The IMDbPro discount is available to all CSI members.
Please note: offers may not be combined and entering a new promo code will override any existing discount that has been applied to your account. Promotional discounts will be applied at the start of your next billing cycle. This offer is limited to members of CSI and is non-transferable.
IMDbPro Recognition for Work Performed by CSI Colorists

IMDbPro, the leading information resource for the entertainment industry, has expanded its Guild Affiliations page to include professional digital colorists who are members of Colorist Society International (CSI).
This means that all CSI Full Members who work on productions listed at IMDb can now choose their CSI designation at the Guild Affiliations page of IMDbPro. This is reserved for CSI Full Members only.
Said CSI co-founder Jim Wicks, “CSI represents a unified voice for the professional colorist in the film and digital entertainment industry. The partnership with IMDb further solidifies and promotes our craft within the industry.”
ICA Open Class Discount
for CSI Members
Instructors with the International Colorist Academy (http://icolorist.com) offer discounts to all CSI Members on open classes (not online, or private).
To get your discount on ICA open classes make sure you request the discount when registering.
Full Members receive a 10% discount. Associates and Alliance Members receive a 5% discount.
Following his sold-out talk on Colour Pipeline last year, internationally renowned colour scientist Charles Poynton, CSI, joins the UK Screen Alliance for a Charles Poynton, CSI
presentation on Colour
Science & Math for D-cinema/UHD.
High Dynamic Range and Wide Colour Gamut technologies are now being deployed; development and standardization continues. These technologies make colour appearance theory & practice critically important in content production, post-production, distribution, and consumer presentation.
This 1-day advanced seminar, will be a deep-dive into the theory of classical colourimetry, colour appearance modeling, and colour image coding math; then we’ll address various topics and questions relating to this.
Attendees will be expected to have knowledge & experience in classical colourimetry, and significant experience in d-cinema and/or HD/UHD production. There will be math! The event will be interactive; we’ll explore issues of the audience members.
Monday 20th March 0930-1730
At MPC, 127 Wardour Street, London
There’s a 10% discount for CSI members using this link: https://charlespoyntonlondon20mar.eventbrite.co.uk?discount=CSI10
Colorist Podcast: Peter Doyle
Josh Petok, CSI, talks one on one with Technicolor’s Supervising Colorist, Peter Doyle.
Peter is one of the film industry’s most distinguished supervising digital colorists, having handled digital color grading on the industry’s two largest Josh Petok, CSI
franchises in movie history, The Lord
of the Rings trilogy; and the last six Harry Potter films. He has also color-graded eight of the 30 highest-grossing films of all time.
Peter talks with Josh about the changing role of the colorist, and how he approaches multiple deliveries for today's huge variety of display formats.
Peter Doyle
Irwin Young: Film Processing History
and Color Blindness
Mitch Jacobson, Alliance member of CSI, is a New York City-based editor/colorist. He is the owner of Category Five Studios and author of Mastering Multicamera Techniques (Focal Press).
Mitch Jacobson
Mitch recently talked with the legendary Irwin W. Young, the 90 year-old owner and chairman of DuArt Media Services. Irwin is a pioneering film innovator, angel-to-the-artists, and an expert in his field – and he is colorblind.
“Being colorblind made me very attuned to black and white images in the area of contrast and how it looked or if there were any defects or problems in the film. Because I had this handicap, I was excellent. I had an advantage in my training because I didn’t have the color Irwin W. Young
and my eyes are more Owner & Chairman
perceptive to neutral DuArt Media Services
Read more about Irwin and the early days of color timing, lab processing, and here.
Flanders Scientific 5% Discount
for CSI Members
Flanders Scientific, a key corporate sponsor of Colorist Society International, is offering a unique discount to all members of CSI.
Bram Desmet, CEO and General Manager said: “Members of Colorist Society International may use the exclusive discount code at www.ShopFSI.com or www.ShopFSI.eu. This will entitle them to a 5% discount on any 1 item per year.
To get the 2017 FSI discount code, log into the CSI website, and look for the discount page under the Full Members and Alliance & Associates Menu dropdowns. If you have not completed your registration – now is the time to do so. The FSI discount is available to all CSI members.
CSI members need to ensure they only have a single item in the cart and apply the coupon to that. If you want to order accessories with the item you just need to place a separate order. FSI can still consolidate the shipment to save on shipping costs. If you have any questions – call or email FSI.
