NAB 2017 Roundup
Your Colorist Society had a strong presence at this year’s NAB in Las Vegas.
CSI organized a number of events including, CSI Tours on the convention floor in which the Friends of CSI gave members a personalized tour showcase new products.
Additionally, CSI co-founder Kevin Shaw held a daily informative presentation at the Dolby booth on ‘Mastering in HDR.’ CSI co-founder Jim Wicks was invited to speak on a panel hosted by AbelCine on ‘Understanding ACES.’
CSI was also the invited guest of Grant Petty at Blackmagic Design announcing DaVinci Resolve 14 to the world’s press as well as the other great new products.

CSI co-founder Jim Wicks (image center) is a panelist on Understanding ACES.
CSI co-founder Kevin Shaw talks Mastering in HDR at Dolby.
CSI Blackmagic Design Press Conference.
CSI Tour of Blackmagic Design.
CSI Tour of FilmLight.
CSI Tour of FSI.
CSI Tour of S-A-M.
Getting Credit
(click images below to enlarge)
Jesse Glucksman, CSI received credit for his latest work… “before the scroll. Happy to share the title credit space with the AE, who came through in the clutch & also deserves it.”

Mark Todd Osborne, CSI emailed us to say, “I’ve included a few pics from a couple of feature films coming out that have the 'CSI’ attached to my name: “A Little Something for Your Birthday” (starring Sharon Stone), and a Sci-Fi movie called “Replicate.”

Congratulations Jesse and MTO.
Friends of CSI
As always, we appreciate our sponsors (and hope to add more to the list). Click on their logo to check out their offerings.

If you have news, photos, projects your working on, etc. that you would like to share with your CSI fellow members in future newsletters – send us an email at with all the details.
Happy Grading!
Best, Jim and Kevin