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  • 09 November 2021 10:37 | Anonymous

    The Colorist Society announces the launch of Colorist Society Hollywood, an exclusive, invitation-only group of high-echelon color finishing artists. The group’s mission is to advocate for their craft, support diversity initiatives, and create educational opportunities for its members and associated industry partners. They will also seek to deepen CSI’s ties to other industry organizations and the wider entertainment industry.

    “Colorist Society Hollywood is a vital resource to our continued growth and success,” says CSI President Kevin Shaw. “Its membership includes distinguished colorists who occupy positions as trendsetters and influencers. We look to them to lead by example.”

    Colorist Society Hollywood launches with a leadership of four distinguished officers. They include John Daro, Lead Digital Intermediate Colorist at Warner Post Production Creative Services; Michael Mintz Senior Digital Color Timer at Margarita Mix, Hollywood; Josh Petok is a Los Angeles-based freelance colorist; and Troy Smith, Senior Colorist at Margarita Mix Hollywood. Colorist Society Fellows Lynette Duensing, Lou Levinson and Walter Volpatto will serve in an advisory capacity.

    Members are selected by Colorist Society Fellows and chapter officers based on their professional accomplishments, commitment to their craft and years of service to the industry. Current members may submit others for consideration as new members. Invitation-only associate memberships are also available to professionals from related disciplines, including cinematographers, color scientists, engineer, DITs and others.

    One of the new group’s primary goals will be to establish closer ties with organizations representing directors, cinematographers and other professional disciplines. It hopes to work with other groups in co-hosting master class, mentoring, technical and podcast events. The group will also host social and networking events live and virtual.

    It’s important that colorists have a greater voice in issues that matter to them and their careers,” says Duensing. “We want to be involved in the development of technical standards, gain recognition for our craft in major awards shows and to see ‘colorist’ designated as an individual category in IMDb.”

    Photo captions:

    Top: Colorist Society Hollywood Officers (l to r) John Daro, Michael Mintz, Josh Petok and Troy Smith

    Bottom: Colorist Society Fellows (l to r) : Lynette Duensing, Lou Levinson and Walter Volpatto.

  • 02 November 2021 11:33 | Anonymous

    TAC Resolve Training is offering a Master Class hosted by veteran colorist Mark Todd Osborne this Saturday, November 6th. The class will cover showlut design, suite-set roundtrip workflow and look development.

    CSI members are eligible for a 10 percent discount:

    General information is available at:

    Mark has been a colorist for 25 years, most recently as an independent through his post finishing company MTO Color. His recent credits include the Emmy and Golden Globe award-winning series The Act for Hulu and Dear… for Apple TV+, as well as the feature films Silk Road, The Reckoning, Abuptio, The Walk, iMordecai, Panama, Castle Falls and Apex. Other notable credits include Need for Speed (Disney) and the cult horror hit It Follows (Radius-TWC). His background includes 12 years as a Senior Colorist at Company 3, Santa Monica, where his credits included Capote and Sunshine Cleaning. He also served as Supervising Colorist at Cameron Pace Group, where he graded 3D films, including James Cameron’s Deep Sea Challenge for the Cannes Film Festival.

  • 21 October 2021 08:58 | Anonymous

    The Colorist Society International (CSI) and the International Colorist Academy (iColorist) continue their popular series of Colorist Mixers with two virtual events to be held before the end of the year.

    On October 23, from 7pm to 11pm GMT, the two organizations will host a Halloween-themed, social mixer in lieu of their annual in-person NAB party. It’s a chance for colorists and others to get together with colleagues from around the globe to share cocktails, chat and have fun. The event will feature a tech chat, a costume contest and a film quiz, with prizes provided by event sponsors Dolby, Filmworkz, fxphd, SGO and others. It is free and open to all, but you must register here. 

    On December 4, CSI and iColorist will present a 6-hour end-of-year mixer that will feature a full slate of speakers, panel discussions, technology demonstrations, contests, door prizes and other events. A detailed agenda and registration information will be available soon at

    CSI and iColorist also launched Color Space Cadets in September, a free, monthly livestream series on YouTube featuring industry experts discussing grading, color and filmmaking. Topics are chosen in advance by participants and will cover issues such as “Rates, Fees and Charging,” “Mental Health/Working Conditions,” “Color Space” and “Image Restoration Tools.” Audience members are encouraged to submit questions during the livestream.

    The next Color Space Cadets event is slated for Thursday, October 28 at 6pm GMT and will feature CSI president Kevin Shaw and colorist Warren Eagles (with other iColorist trainers and special guest speakers) in a discussion titled 2021 Show and Film Looks. Watch it here.

    Color Space Cadets was launched to keep industry players abreast of the latest developments in their field at a time when many were curtailing training plans and trade shows were cancelled due to the pandemic. “We’re committed to continuing to pass on knowledge,” says Shaw. “These monthly YouTube events feature experts from across the spectrum of production and post-production.”

  • 28 June 2021 12:39 | Anonymous

    CSI encourages its members at every career stage to participate in the Colorist Salary Survey currently being conducted by Berlin-based The organization, which includes officers of CSI’s German Chapter, are collecting data anonymously on compensation, employment status, job satisfaction, gender and other factors. Access to accurate, broad-based salary information is essential to colorists in assessing their personal situations, professional affiliations and career aspirations. That’s why it’s important for as many colorists as possible to take part. Greater participation means more accurate and informative results.

    The organizers of have published results of an earlier survey from 2019. It covered employment status, experience, working hours, work outside color grading, income and salaries, and other topics. The results are revealing and highlight variations in status, compensation and working conditions among practitioners of our craft. The results were drawn from more than 300 respondents and 50 countries. We congratulate the organizers on a job well done.

    In the wake of the COVID pandemic, the work being done by is more vital than ever. Their current survey will help all of us better understand how the industry is recovering and how our colleagues are faring.

    The group’s 2019 survey is available for free download here. To take part in this year’s survey, please follow this link. Again, responses are strictly anonymous.

  • 21 June 2021 14:16 | Anonymous

    New competition will announce winners at EnergaCAMERAIMAGE 2021

    FilmLight has launched the FilmLight Colour Awards, a new competition honoring colorists and the art of color worldwide. The awards are being organized in association with professional bodies and are open to colorists using any grading technology. Categories encompass theatrical, television and advertising projects, as well as innovative use of FilmLight’s Baselight platform. Winners will be announced at EnergaCAMERIMAGE 2021 in Poland.

    FilmLight CEO Wolfgang Lempp says the awards are aimed at highlighting the critical role colorists play in the creative process. “The colorist today is far more than a simple ‘color timer,’ matching and correcting,” Lempp explains. “We believe that the most satisfying results are achieved when DPs and colorists collaborate, and indeed many colorists are now involved throughout the whole production lifecycle, from early lens and camera tests through to the very many deliverables now expected.”

    Entries are open now through September 15. A shortlist will be announced in October with winners revealed in November at EnergaCAMERIMAGE 2021.

    Further information and entry forms are available at:

    Information about EnergaCAMERAIMAGE 2021 can be found here:

  • 17 March 2021 11:14 | Anonymous

    Dolby Vision has expanded its training and certification options. Three choices are now available for individual colorists:

    1. Free self-guided online training

    With our self-guided educational resource from the Dolby Institute, you can work at your own pace by focusing on and revisiting the modules that are most relevant to you. The content is the same as the full live instructor-based curriculum, but using videos, graphics, and text pages with built-in logical breaks as well as testing, to make sure that you’ve understood the key concepts.

    Start your free training now!

    2. Live online training with a Dolby Instructor

    Previously only available to Dolby Vision certified post facilities you can now, as an individual, get the nearly eight-hour, in-depth Dolby Vision training with a Dolby instructor. The training sessions are carried out in a small group (in English or Spanish) for only $400. The program includes:

    • Module 1: Dolby Vision and HDR Theory/Overview/Workflow – 3 Hours
    • Module 2: Color Grading (with DaVinci Resolve) – 2.5 Hours
    • Module 3: Mastering, Deliverables, and QC – 2 Hours

    Click here for more details

    3. Dolby Vision individual certification

    Whether you are a colorist or an engineer, finish off your Dolby Vision training experience by becoming a Dolby Vision certified individual for $250. This involves passing both an online multiple-choice test and a practical test where you download a color-graded HDR file/EDL, add the Dolby Vision metadata, and create a Dolby Vision IMF package to submit to a Dolby instructor. Once passed, certified individuals will be allowed to use a Dolby Vision Certified logo on their website or email signature and be listed here on (ETA April 15, 2021).

    Click here for more details 

  • 15 March 2021 12:08 | Anonymous

    By Warren Eagles CSI

    CSI’s Australia and New Zealand chapter was formed in the middle of 2020, not the ideal time to start a networking social group! Jarryd Hall CSI in Sydney, Dee McClelland CSI in Melbourne, myself in Brisbane and Dave Gibson CSI in Auckland NZ are the founding chapter officers.

    We began by adding all current CSI members with ties to Australia or New Zealand into the ANZ chapter, even those who now work overseas. This means a member can belong to two chapters, one in their home country and one in their current working location.

    When COVID 19 restrictions started to loosen in Australia early 2021, I proposed to our members that it was time to hold our first ANZ meeting. It would likely probably be the first live, in person gathering of CSI members in the world since the pandemic began.

    Adam Eden CSI, owner of the post house Eden Creative in Surry Hills Sydney, offered to host an evening focused on HDR. It seemed an ideal subject to kick off with. We posted an invite on our CSI chapter page, our What’s App group and through local groups on social media. On February 25, a group of 15 colorists, producers and DPs met at Eden Creative. Ian Lowe from Dolby beamed in from the UK and gave us the latest Dolby Vision news. Adam is Dolby certified and his grading room is equipped with a new MacPro, Sony BVM HX310 HDR monitor and an LG 48CX for the clients. He walked us through his Dolby Vision workflow showcasing things he has learned mastering HDR for the major studios over the past 12 months.

    The evening was a great success and gave everyone the chance to get out and network again. We hope to host more live and ZOOM type sessions in 2021. Our events include both CSI members and non-members as we want to showcase the benefits of joining the organization. CSI sponsor ASUS provided giveaways for the evening. We appreciate their continued support.

    (Above: Luciano Marigo-Spitaleri CSI and new associate member Wassim Bazzi proudly holding their ASUS goodie bags.)

    For information on the CSI ANZ Chapter contact the officers at

  • 11 March 2021 10:34 | Anonymous

    CSI members can provide guidance and support up-and-coming talent by acting as mentors and trainers.

    For people, aspiring to careers in the film and television industry, the first step is often the hardest. Getting a foot in the door can be especially challenging for women, members of minority communities and people with disabilities who may lack the personal connections that can be key to landing that first job.

    Four Corners, a London-based charitable organization, is working to change that. The group, which is funded by ScreenSkills, the industry-led skills body for the film, television, visual effects, animation and game industries, provides job placement and mentoring services to people seeking employment across a range of disciplines in filmmaking, photography and the arts. Its focus is on improving industry diversity by targeting its career assistance to underrepresented groups. “We were founded 45 years ago by four filmmakers from different parts of the world as a community film workshop,” says Helena Goundry, the organization’s project coordinator. “Today, we assist hundreds of people from across the UK. We provide entry-level training and help people early in their careers who are struggling to get to the next rung on the ladder.”

    Colorist is among the jobs that Four Corners believes can benefit from greater diversity. The organization offers free online training for prospective colorists in the basics of DaVinci Resolve. Participants also receive one-on-one mentoring from veteran colorists and access to talks and webinars on career topics. “We provide expert advice and guidance,” Goundry says. “Mentoring is always a part of our training programs because it’s how people find work.”

    Four Corners works hard to reach people in underserved communities. It conducts an aggressive outreach program and maintains close ties to other charitable organizations and community groups. It also carries out targeted advertising and marketing through Facebook and other social media sites.

    Goundry notes that people with physical disabilities often have an especially hard time finding employment. Employers are sometimes concerned about accommodating special needs, but she insists such fears are misplaced. “Employers are fearful of getting it wrong,” she explains. “But actually the changes they have to make are minimal. Thankfully, attitudes are changing. Production and post-production companies want to be more diverse and they are now coming to us for help.”

    In fact, Four Corners has achieved an enviable success rate. Nearly a quarter of those who take part in its training and mentoring programs are successful in landing jobs. “We recently placed a young woman as a trainee on a high-end television drama for eight weeks,” Goundry recalls. “She was very gregarious and made a strong impression. Four months later, she was contacted by one of the editors she worked with and hired as an assistant on a documentary. That was really nice. We have a lot of success stories like that.”

    CSI president Kevin Show has signed on as a Four Corners mentor. “It’s a wonderful organization whose goals are shared by CSI,” Shaw says. “I encourage other members to get involved as it’s a great way to give back to the industry and help others.”

    For more information on becoming a Four Corners mentor, visit

  • 04 February 2021 10:31 | Anonymous

    The Colorist Society International (CSI) has appointed Lynette Duensing to a position as Fellow. Duensing is being recognized for her outstanding achievements and contributions to the craft of color across a highly productive career spanning more than 30 years. Other CSI Fellows include Dale Grahn, Lou Levinson, Charles Poynton, Walter Volpatto and Kevin Shaw.

    Duensing has worked as a senior colorist in Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago and Shanghai and is accomplished in grading theatrical trailers, feature film DIs, television commercials and music videos. Her early credits include the landmark Nirvana video Smells Like Teen Spirit. More recently, she has applied her artistic touch and technical acumen to restoration projects including the film noir classic Private Property and Dennis Hopper’s The Last Movie. As Senior Colorist at Instinctual in Hollywood her projects include theatrical trailers for Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, Tristar and Sony Pictures Animation.

    CSI board member Sarah Priestnall calls Duensing a pioneer of the post-production industry. “We worked together early in our careers; she was the first female colorist I met,” Priestnall says. “Today, there are several very successful women colorists. Lynette blazed that trail through the quality of her work and as a mentor and role model.”

    The first woman to be named a CSI Fellow, Duensing will work to attract more members among women and other under-represented groups. She will also focus on gender equity and education. “What most interests me is mentoring young, up-and-coming talent,” she says. “I’m impressed with CSI’s commitment to education and inclusion, and I want to support their efforts to recruit more women and broaden membership.”

    Duensing learned her craft at post houses in Los Angeles and later spent 15 years in Detroit and Chicago, primarily working on advertising projects. She spent a year in Shanghai grading international advertising campaigns for a joint venture startup of Technicolor and the Shanghai Film Group. She returned to Los Angeles in 2013 and since then has tackled a range of projects including features, commercials, restorations, promos, trailers and digital media.

    Duensing sees her role as CSI Fellow as an opportunity to advocate on behalf of the craft of colorist. “CSI has taken a lead role in promoting the interests of colorists through its campaign to add a colorist section to IMDB listings and to gain greater recognition from the Academy,” she notes. “I’m on board with all of that and it’s why I am so excited to be a Fellow.”

    Duensing's Theatrical Trailer Color Grade Projects for Sony Pictures Animation 

  • 28 January 2021 13:53 | Anonymous

    The CSI Colorist Mixer, held in December as a 24-hour, virtual event, was a huge success. It included 26 sessions across diverse subjects and drew hundreds of participants from around the globe.

    In case you missed—or wish to see it again—individual sessions are available for viewing on the iColorist website.

    Highlights include:

    • Grading in Hollywood. A keynote address from Mark Tod Osborne and Walter Volpatto, two of the industry’s most accomplished colorists, who offered insight into the state of our profession, and CSI’s role in its future.  
    • Women in Film. Colorists Junbin Chen, Andrea Chlebak and CJ Dobson joined Sarah Priestnall in a discussion of their remarkable accomplishments and the unique hurdles they had to overcome as women in post-production.
    • People of Color Colorist Bobola Oniwura joined post-production engineer John Bleau in examining the lack of black colorists and how to promote change.
    • Colorist Salaries. Members of CSI’s German Chapter revealed the eye-opening findings of their global survey of colorist salaries and working conditions.
    • Starting a Boutique Post House. Juan Ignacio Cabrera shared his experience in founding the boutique facility, LightBender.
    • Meet CSI ANZ. Warren Eagles, Jarryd Hall, Deirdre McClelland, Luciano Marigo-Spitaleri and David Gibson discussed what led them to found CSI’s newly-formed chapter in Australia and New Zealand.
    • JZ Speaks. Technology guru Joachim Zell shed light on the latest developments in post-production workflows, ACES and imaging science.
    • Tips and Tricks. ICA Instructors Diego Yhama, Kevin Shaw, David Catt, Blake Jones, Yuki Ariandi, Francisco Ramos and Warren Eagles share their top new techniques.
    • Technology Demos. SGO, Dolby, Abelcine, Asus, fxphd, Flanders Scientific, Red Giant, Filmworkz and Eclipse Tech showcased their latest tools.
    • Charles Poynton on Terminology.  The final keynote was an engaging discussion lead by Charles on how people have become complacent in their use of words to describe precise technical and perceptual phenomena.

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